Drinks On Me

Saturday 23 September 2023

Once upon a time: Promise

 Efforts are required to make a stone move. More efforts will move mountains. But to move a nation you only need a common enemy. This thought was lingering on his mind for sometime now. He was a genius, and he could move mountains, but how to create an enemy for his nation? Should it be based on religion, identity, customs or what? The task was tremendous, and so was his promise. He will have to pay the price for the wisdom he acquired, otherwise it will report him. That's what he was made to do. That's what Jasasa's nature is.

Tuesday 5 January 2021

The Collective ignorance

DISCLAIMER: The views mentioned above are mine only and does not reflect on the organization or induvial discussed. 

In my recent project with “Medicine Sans Frontieres” (MSF) I got a chance to interview the victims of Corona Virus in low life area of Karachi. It was tough to say the least, not because of locality or access to the patients, but how the physically recovered patients were struggling to recover mentally as well. Nearly all the patients’ complaint how they were ridiculed when they completed their time in quarantine. Some were accused of being quarantined for money, some for the sake of money. And believe me this was not even close to the worst scenarios people have been facing here. There were family who refused to accept the fact that someone in the family had caught the virus. Their arrogance and ignorant behavior lead to the point where the patient was rushed to the hospital in emergency, for being on the edge of life. This caused the patients some permanent side effects of corona such as difficulty in breathing, irregular coughing. In other words, corona has scared them for life.

While interviewing them, one thing was found common; lack of confidence. They all reflected nervousness, like breaking eye contact, shifting balance from one feet to another or being hesitant. They have suppressed their pain inside them and are in dire need of counselling. And not only them, but our society collectively needs counselling and awareness regarding the virus and its side effects to lessen the suffering of the patients.

Although it’s been a year now but due to the lack of awareness, illiteracy, trust and transparency in government’s policy, people are not willing to accept the virus or the consequences it has brought as a serious affair. This might not affect the society collectively, but definitely affect the patient’s mental health forever.


Friday 8 November 2019



Revolution is Beautiful, when lad cover their faces with scarf and reveal their true self, when mob in different part of cities move toward government installations simultaneously, as if a fallen nation has suddenly found its spine, the yell of freedom and roar of guns. songs on the streets, wailing indoors. man of importance are ignored while people of power are hanged.

Monday 21 October 2019


Once Upon a Time


The watch stopped said the brother sitting on the front passenger side of the car. 
What? the other Brother asked driving at 110 Km/Hr. on a Highway. 
My Watch Stopped, that's strange, i just bought it. The funny thing is, you always knows when your watch took its last breath.
What time does it tells?
7:30. have you ever noticed watch taking its last breath. second's needle vibrating on same number, both brothers laugh one mimicking the choking of breath.

while there mother is informed about an accident on Highway at 7:30.

Music starts to play in background.

Friday 26 July 2019

The Lion King

90's Kids stand up for your national anthem!

Naaa ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba Ingonyama

The sun rises in Africa. GOOSEBUMPS! Suddenly, the theater is transformed into THE prides land. 31-year old me is transformed into a 7-year old boy who saw this master piece on VHS for the first time. I watched the cartoon movie when I was kid, and now I get to watch the realistic version. It was a dream come true, or was it like a dream all along. Nostalgic and thanking Disney as I never had before. (especially after watching Aladdin remake, I never thought I would)

The realistic version was not as magical as the animated movie but it had it perks. specially the changes in the script. Some scenes were altered, some additional dialogues and some short comings too, such as Zazu's time in captivity during scar's reign. As far as the sarcasm goes its simplicity was laudable.

Of course, one cannot get everything but one can be thankful for whatever he/she gets. and that was my situation. I never thought a day would come when I would cheer at the opening of a movie, and I wasn’t alone, the whole theatre applauded.

The best character was John Oliver doing voice for Zazu, (in spite of replacing Sir Rowan Atkinson who did the VO in 1994) with his British accent, the dialogue and his history of sarcastic commentary on the British monarchy "long live the king" in the movie had a two meaning tone to it, or it was just me. God Knows. For the first time I saw the whole theatre enjoying every aspect of a film, (yes, I could hear them and yes for first time audience's reaction didn't feel bad) 
Among the things missing was also, Scar's individual song "be prepared", although I didn't mind very much. It was later when I found out that due to some Nazi imagery Disney thought to simply leave it out.  Why did they allow it in the first place in a cartoon movie is a mystery to me, after all it was 1994 not 1944?

The color tones were perfect, although Mufasa's iconic Red Mane was missing but since it was a realistic version, we have to forget the elements that were obviously cartoonish.

Thankfully the role of the Hyenas was strengthened and instead of three Hyenas, we see a pack of them. Instead of making your enemy look weak and stupid, you turn them into something dangerous and cunning. This increased the strength of overall movie.

Lastly, I can’t finish this review without thanking Hans Zimmer for the great music, nobody could have done a better job.

High caliber music, dialogues, animation, graphics, overall it is truly a remake that a masterpiece deserves.

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Survivors answer for the dead

Those who survived will answer for those who died. It's not written, but it's known. I came here prepared to die,, but here I sit trying to answer questions above my rank, beyond my understanding, and never; nowhere in my imagination.
Even how can one imagine what we saw. How do you name what is unknown. What do I tell them, man came out from bellies of wooden beast with wings Made of cotton. The men if they were, wore suits made of shinny metal. And when they yelled, there lances roared, killed many of our warriors from distance. In all that noise I could make out only one word, CORTEZ.

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Once Upon a Time: Replacement

Once Upon a Time


Another day another family, it was entertaining to observe them go through our things. Its only matter of time when they die; take our place and we gain our freedom, while they wait for a new family to move in....